How to Get Better at Writing?

Do you consider your writing skills standard, intermediate, or advanced? Do you need to polish your writing skills? Ideally, great writers and those who aspire to reach such a milestone are always ready to learn something on how to get better at writing. What if you are a novice in writing? It would be best never to worry since your hard work and passion for learning will transform you into a great writer.

How to Get Better at Writing Papers

How Do I Get Better at Writing Essays at School?

How many types of writing styles do you know? Among these writing styles, which ones do you consider to be challenging? Usually, school life exposes a student to different types of assignments ranging from technical to creating writing. Regardless of your degree program, you can agree that essay writing tends to be challenging unless you exhaustively comprehend the ins and outs of formal, scholarly writing. Similarly, you can apply the universal tips of writing an essay to be the best online marketer, SEO writer, and blogger.

Understand what you want to write

You might be thinking that most experienced writers or students who deliver perfect essays for grading are geniuses or “crème de la crème.” Do you know what? This has never been the case. Right after receiving a topic essay, they do something very different. In particular, great essay writers acknowledge that no matter the number of pages or word count, they must be cognizant of specific steps and rules in writing essays and other pieces such as letters, stories, and poetry. However, untrained writers might begin typing the essay with the aim of meeting the deadline, but they end up delivering a substandard paper.

In short, what should you do before starting writing an English essay? Firstly, you should understand the question or the topic provided. Such an initiative would help determine if your professor or instructor wants you to complete a descriptive, augmentative, or narrative essay. Secondly, you will need to create an outline. The rationale for this step concerns ensuring that your essay addresses all points on the instructions within the word count or pages provided. It would be best if you consider incorporating scholarly evidence into your outline. Have you ever wondered why some professors require you to complete an annotated bibliography before writing an essay? In this case, the underlying rationale concerns the organization of ideas or evidence.

Rely on traditional essay structure

How do you write your essays? Even after delivering a flawless academic paper that addresses every point on the prompt, it might never qualify to be called an essay if it fails to follow a traditional essay structure. Here are key components of a conventional essay:

1. Introduction

Every essay should start with an introduction that provides background information on the topic. In this case, it should contain statistics, qualitative evidence, and personal evaluation to foster the flow of ideas. Usually, a perfect introduction starts with an opening sentence or question that captures the audience or reader’s attention. You should consider a debatable, controversial statement, or a well-known fact. It must end with a thesis statement. In this case, you should be keen never to confuse a thesis statement with a purpose statement. Take a look at the following examples to understand, assuming that the topic is the economic effects of climate change:

  • Purpose statement – This paper aims to explain the effects of climate change on the economy.
  • Thesis statement – Considering rising sea water levels attributable to melting glaciers in polar regions, most infrastructure at the coastline responsible for transporting raw materials, finished goods, and human capital would be impassable, undermining trade and government sources of revenue.

In this case, the purpose statement is more like a repetition of the question, whereas the thesis statement answers the question, forming the basis of the entire essay.

2. Body paragraphs

What does this section contain? Every paragraph should only address one idea to foster coherence. It should begin with a topic sentence that introduces the idea or concept for the entire paragraph. The next item would be supporting evidence, which could be quantitative or qualitative. Afterward, you can provide a synthesis or evaluation of the evidence from the source by either challenging the idea or expounding on the same. Depending on the length of your paper, you can provide another evidence that supports your evaluation. Although it might be challenging for a standard writer, it is a sure bet on how to get better at writing essays. Lastly, provide a concluding sentence

3. Conclusion

This section should make up 10% of the entire paper in most cases. For example, the conclusion of a 10-page essay should be about a page. So, what tips should you use to write the conclusion? While most writers summarize topic sentences, you should reflect on the concepts or ideas presented in your essay. Also, try never to forget to include an afterthought in your conclusion, probably to be your last sentence.

Ask for a second opinion

In most cases, you might struggle to write a better essay after reading tips and guidelines. In this case, what should you do? Considering academic writing services. You will be sure to receive an essay that adheres to the traditional structure and meets all instructions. Similarly, this custom paper writing service offers professional assistance in other types of assignments such as term papers, dissertations, business plans, and annotated bibliographies, among others. Since the company only hires quality writers after completing the mentorship program, be sure the experts would complete your essay from scratch. Why struggle to write an essay with the availability of this online help?

Polish your grammar

Have you ever asked yourself how to get better at writing papers in general? In this case, the answer is simple. It would be best if you polish your grammar. For instance, start by eliminating passive voice in your essay. How would you do this? It will be by writing in an active voice where a noun should come before a verb. Take a look at these examples:

  • Passive voice – The accident was caused by reckless driving.
  • Active voice – Reckless driving caused the accident.

You can see that active voice makes the sentence easy to understand, besides eliminating wordiness. Also Read – What is Associative Learning? Definition, Theory & Examples

Proofread you work

You should never write a paper and proofread it at the same time. Such behavior is unsuitable because it might disrupt the flow of ideas. After you finish writing, you should take a break before reading your entire work. This strategy would enable you to identify grammar and typo mistakes in your work.

Overall, essay writing requires not only the presentation of scholarly evidence but also analysis to accurately meet the instructions provided. By understanding ways of improving your essay, you will be sure to write any academic paper, even those involving dialogue.

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About the Author: sam