What To Consider When Choosing A Student Apartment

What To Consider When Choosing A Student Apartment

Going to college or university will influence your decision-making in many ways. You’ll have to choose factors like where to study, what course to take, and which learning method matches your personality.

One decision that most students don’t think about is choosing a student apartment. Student housing is a kind of accommodation for college or university students living far away from their homes.

Living in a student apartment can substantially improve your life as a university student. It enables you to socialize with other students and acquire essential support groups compared to conventional rental spaces. Furthermore, it allows you to become independent by saving the extra money you’d have spent on regular rental apartments.

Choosing a student apartment is a crucial decision to make as a student. However, the various options available can confuse you, and you may choose an accommodation that doesn’t suit your taste. If you’re wondering what to choose, consider student housing options like American Avenue to get a variety of quality accommodations.

Meanwhile, there are various factors that you can consider before choosing a student apartment. These include location, affordability, safety, internet connection, and security deposit. Read on to learn how each factor is essential and why you must consider it carefully.

Types Of Student Housing

There are two most popular types of student housing.

University Dormitories

University dormitories and residence halls are the most common type of student accommodation. They’re mainly located within the university compound and are the simplest way to live as a student. Most rooms are shared, but a few are private and have catered or self-catered halls.

The advantage of living in college dorms is that you’ll cover short distances to and from classes and the library. It’s a common choice for first-year students since it offers the conventional university lifestyle experience.

It’s also cheap and the simplest way to meet other students that don’t belong to your faculty of study. However, due to its shared nature, it’s busy and congested and may not give you the peace of mind you need as a student. Moreover, you won’t have the liberty to choose your roommates.

If you need a room within the campus, check out your college’s website and choose a suitable one. You can also book manually by visiting the student affairs office and filling in the necessary forms.

Private Student Housing

Private student apartments

Private student apartments are an excellent choice if you prefer living communally in a flexible but independent environment. Unlike university dormitories, you can live alone or with close friends in a private apartment.

If you live with friends, you can agree to share the rent. They’re usually located away from the college, allowing you to explore and relax your mind after classes. As much as living in a private apartment is comfortable, it also has disadvantages.

One, it’s possible to miss out on social interaction with other students on campus. Two, it’s slightly expensive compared to the dormitory option. And three, you may incur an extra cost on transport to and from campus.

Remember, you risk getting late for your classes due to the long distance covered. However, it’s the best choice if you don’t mind the challenges involved.

Factors To Consider

Indeed, your choice of student accommodation can considerably enhance your university experience. There are various options ranging from different sizes and styles to extra amenities provided by the housing providers. And sometimes, you may prefer one closer to campus or one that suits your taste.

Don’t worry if you find yourself unable to make an ideal choice. It’ll help to consider a few fundamental things before settling on one. Here are some of them:

1. Location

Location is one of the most important factors when choosing your student apartment. Getting an apartment close to your campus will help you cut travel time. It can also give you more time to focus on your studies and social life. Additionally, it’ll reduce travel expenses and help you save for new expeditions you’ve always wanted to try.

But if you choose a faraway accommodation, make sure it’s close to a bus stop or a metro station. This will help you save time, reduce your walking distance, and cut on extra transport costs. It’s also wise to ensure it’s in a safe neighborhood.

2. Budget

Joining campus comes with substantial financial responsibilities, and it’s necessary to budget your expenses to avoid inconveniences. However, it’s up to you to decide how much you wish to spend on your accommodation. Depending on your budget, you may live in a university dormitory or a private student apartment.

University dormitories are relatively cheap compared to flats. On the other hand, you may also decide to rent a well-furnished student apartment. Finding it can be an uphill task, but it’s possible and may cost you more than an average flat. However, this is the best option if your budget allows it and you want to live a comfortable campus life.

3. Security Deposit

Security deposits are sweet and sour commitments that are sometimes inescapable. You may try to avoid hefty deposits, but at the end of the day, you must secure your accommodation. Some student apartments may request a three-month deposit, while some may ask for none.

However, it’s necessary to avoid apartments that demand lump-sum deposits. It would be better to opt for affordable ones without compromising on the quality of the room.

Keep in mind that accommodations that offer quality rooms and require little security deposit are always in high demand. You should therefore begin your search early to avoid missing out on such opportunities.

4. Coziness Of Home

Living in a student apartment can be a challenging experience, especially if you’ve lived under the same roof for many years. The agony of leaving your cozy bedroom at home and the responsibilities associated with living on your own can be overwhelming to a student.

Choosing an apartment that offers the same comfort as your home can help you adjust to your new surroundings. Eventually, your campus life may compel you to mingle with new people. You’ll have no trouble adjusting if you’re comfortable and at ease.

5. Internet Connection

As a student, it’s almost impractical to live without a fast and stable internet connection. Therefore, when choosing a student apartment, look for one that provides a 24/7 internet connection.

You can enquire from previous tenants or research the houses you’ve shortlisted. Alternatively, you can use various online applications to test the internet speed of the apartments you visit. A fast and reliable internet connection will help you conduct research assignments.

Moreover, a good internet connection may enable you to access free textbooks for your coursework. It’ll also provide cheap communication with your lecturers, classmates, family, and friends, strengthening friendship and family bonds.

6. Communal Areas

University life is presumably accompanied by its share of stress. And as you strive to work hard, you’ll also need to rest and enjoy life as you make meaningful memories. Therefore, it’s necessary to consider your accommodation’s communal areas carefully.

Check whether the property has a movie theater, a lounge area, or a gym. Although such amenities aren’t required for your studies, they’re excellent avenues for social interaction and can provide the comfort needed for a study environment.

7. Restrooms And Bathrooms

Clean restrooms and bathrooms are prerequisites when looking for a place to live. They’re the most non-negotiable features for student housing. So, before you make up your mind, it’s necessary to check out the bathroom.

It’ll also help to try to use the toilet to confirm whether it’s working. Ensure they’re well-maintained, especially if it’s a shared facility. You don’t want to waste time because your toilet is often clogged.

8. Safety And Security

Since your choice of accommodation will be your home throughout your university years, it’s where you’ll keep your possessions. And depending on your timetable, you may leave your laptop, wallet, and other important documents at any time. You may also arrive late from class or a party. With this in mind, it’s necessary to consider the security and safety of the place.

Ensure the rooms have secure locks and confirm if CCTV cameras are installed around the property before paying or signing the lease agreements. It’s also important to inquire if security personnel regularly patrol the property. More security measures mean better safety levels.

9. Furniture And Fixtures

Be conscious of all that’s incorporated in any student apartment you visit. Some furniture and fixtures might appear attractive but may not last long. For instance, a cozy sofa set may entice you to lease a room only to be taken away as soon as you occupy it.

To make a sound decision, it’ll help to ask the landlord if the furniture and fittings are included. Inspecting the fittings and confirming if they’re in mint condition is also essential. And in case of any damage, request for repair before moving in.


Choosing an appropriate student apartment will make your campus life enjoyable and allow you to mingle with new people and create lasting memories. It’ll also enable you to get new opportunities and explore new avenues.

Hence, it’s essential to consider the type of accommodation, location, cost, and amenities the landlord offers. Choose an apartment that’s secure, clean, and has fast and reliable internet. Remember, what you choose may be your home for several years as a student, so choose wisely.

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About the Author: sam