Free textbooks online pdf- Where to find free pdfs?

A PDF textbook is a digital, active function of clever textbook data shown in a logical and clear visual, sound, graphic, and text reading textbook via digital media. Of course, many daily tasks have moved to the Web since its birth. Also, the same is true for textbooks. Now, students often look for free textbooks online pdf.

Because of the recent Covid-19 outbreak, many schools are opting for online classes at home. Electronic textbooks, on the other hand, are vital for many students. You can get the PDF textbook in this case. Of course, using PDF ebooks is not only eco-friendly, but it also saves you money. In this article, we will give a list of sites to download such PDFs for free. And, then you can use these sites to get free textbooks online pdf.

Free textbooks online pdf India

If you are in India, and you are looking for free textbooks online pdf, then look no further. In fact, this article will list many sites to do so.

You can get everything available on the internet, including CBSE books, NCERT books, state government textbooks, and the central archives of textbooks. Yes, both the national and state governments of India have ‘special’ websites. So, you may simply download free school textbooks online as part of e-books.

The thirst for knowledge never ends. So, when you want to get a few books to read, go and visit these sites. Here, you can get free textbooks online pdf to choose from.

If you need any textbook from any board, most likely state board, NCERT, or CBSE, simply go to the main website of these major boards. Then, you will have a lot of choices from which to choose from. If you like, you can fill out any form for grant or admission as well. Obviously, if you want free books, go for that route. Then, select the type of texts you want. And, select the standard, year, and subject, and then just grab it in pdf or any other format.

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Of course, you can try to look on sites like Here, you can find a range of PDFs for all books available free of cost.

Currently,  78,817,457 eBooks are available for free download. Also, there are no pesky ads or download quotas. So, have joy and do not fail to bookmark and share their page with others.

Also, you can try to download PDFs for free.

In fact, they have offered a range of eBooks PDF freely for those new readers! All you must do is grab the book and begin reading.

Free textbooks online pdf free

Many things have changed with the help of tech progress in recent years. This tech advance has not spared textbooks. People have replaced textbooks of weight 5 to 10 pounds with PDFs. And, may now go inside the typical smartphone in a Pdf format. Thus, people end up looking for free textbooks online pdf at times.

During the Coronavirus crisis, the closing of schools and web – based learning had a big effect on how people browsed for PDF textbooks.

Now, we are about to name a few sites from where you can get these PDFs for free:

●     Open Textbook Library:

The textbooks on the site are mainly for college students. And, they cover about 12 subjects such as Education, Business, Engineering, and so on. By subject, look for the ebook you want.

The Open Textbook Library site offers books that are sponsored and issued with the right to use for free. Yet, you can also share or edit them without penalties. But, the best part is that you may print the books for a small cost as well.

●     Library Genesis:

It is a so-called “virtual library.” A vast number of  academic journals and over a thousand books are found on the internet. And, they are usually only available through pricy academic papers. The site gives books, scholarly articles, comics, and other pieces of media on a lot of genres.

To download a PDF on this site, enter your search term – either as the author’s title, the topic, or the book title – in the search box. Then, click on the textbook you wish to have.

The site offers a huge selection of books on a wide range of topics. Also, it has an easy-to-use style. You may also read on Kindle, Ios, iPad, and other e-reader gadgets on the web.

●     PDF Search Engine:

The PDF Search engine, like Google and Yahoo, is pretty simple to use. Here, you may use the search engine to find free PDF textbooks.

Free textbooks online pdf

And, then get them to your phone or PC. The site has a large range of books from back to the Middle Ages as well as popular fiction. Also, this website has the power to boost texts in a range of forms.

If you wish to get a PDF book from the site, put your search word in the search box. And, press enter to find the book. From the list, now  you can then select the Digital book you want to get by tapping on it.

●     Free Kids Books:

The website is a rising library. And, it focuses mostly on pre-primary, basic, and higher school topics. Here, you get free textbooks online pdf for kids’ books.

Children’s books, courses for kids and young people, and literary tools are among the book genres on Free Kids Books. The books, as the title implies, are free for all. So, you can download any book in Pdf file for simple reading.

●     Scholar Works:

     The site is a public academic archive for saving, keeping, and sharing digital forms. GVSU library maintains the website. And , it is noted for showing the work of GVSU experts.


      The books on the site are mostly for college students, and the topics are wide.

     It has a function that makes it easy to find books via many ways. Of course, you can find a book on the site by putting the name, author’s name, tags, source info, and so on.

●     Free Computer books:

The website’s main goal is to launch free PDF books in science-related areas. In fact, this site’s most popular book category is related to coding, machines, and math.

To get a PDF book from FreeComputerBooks, tap on the title of the text you wish to copy, keep scrolling a little, and you will see a link to get the book.

Free textbooks online pdf reddit

Of course, we know that Reddit is a social media platform. And, it discusses pretty much all things under the sky. So, it is also a platform where people look for free PDFs. There are many trusted sources on Reddit who can provide such links to people for getting books for free.

In fact, people have listed links on which all sorts of PDFs are available for college coursework as well.

Since Reddit is mostly used by the young gen, school and college students find it very helpful to get their books from here. So, people also get info to find free textbooks online pdf from reddit.

Free textbooks online pdf uk is a site that allows people all over the world to get PDF versions of books for free. Once you visit their site, you can see how books are arranged under all topics. Here, you can either choose the subject that interests you. Or, you can go ahead and search for PDFs using keywords in the search box. The site will display a list of relevant books that you can read and download as well.

They want to make it simple for each one to learn by providing high-quality learning content. This occurs at the university level. As a result, they offer free textbooks written by experts from the world’s leading universities. Also, they cover topics on disciplines ranging from engineering and IT to eco and business. Further, they  partner with market authors to provide their users with prime access to a unique library. This library has hundreds of useful eBooks on soft skills development. One can get all of this via a nice low monthly fee. They are updating and enhancing the library each week. So, you may seek new books on their site very often.

Free textbooks online pdf Australia

In Australia, there are many bright minds, groups, libraries, and networks active in the sector of open learning and open teaching aids (OER).

The networks and universities that are a part of this chain are:

  • Deakin University
  • Open Textbook Library
  • RMIT digital OER collections page
  • USQ the first Australian University to join Open Textbook Network
  • Digital Commons Network
  • SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition)

Further, the websites to find these free PDFs are:

  • OpenStax
  • OpenStax Psychology revisions crowd-sourcing project
  • Merlot
  • OER Commons
  • BC campus Open Ed
  • IntechOpen
  • UND Libraries (Nursing units)
  • Boundless
  • GALILEO Open Learning Materials
  • LibreTexts
  • Saylor Academy
  • ZTC Textbooks- California College of the Canyon

So, if you are a person living in Australia, you can avail all these resources and that too, free of cost. Thus, the access to knowledge keeps expanding in every possible way. And, this has been largely made possible due to the tech and web progress in the world.

How to get free textbooks online pdf

We can list quite a few websites that can give you free textbooks online pdf :

  • LibGen deserves a special mention.

This site is a web based gateway that offers free access to many novels, essays, and pdf files in a range of accents. In fact, it has access to a wide choice of fiction and non-fiction books. In fact, they have a special focus on great technical and research research articles, books, and gathered papers. This includes a myriad of prized classic and modern novels in a range of unique genres. It ranges from sci-fi to fantasy epics and romance. Poetry, comic books, comics, guide books, and protocol books are already at a single click.

Free textbooks online pdf

  • Ebooklibrary is a site where you can find free textbooks online pdf.

      In fact, college students use it very often. Also, it has a very easy interface.

      Ebooklibrary is a place where you can find books that are fit for you. Try clicking the Top Textbooks link to see a range of courses such as History, Finance and Business, Chem, and so on. Here, you may get not only school textbooks, but also books for kids and teens. However, there are only children’s fiction and popular scientific books ready for kids. This website does not have a big number of primary and high school books.

Free textbooks online pdf high school

One thing that contributes more to the rising expense of study in high school is the cost of books. Of course, getting a high grade in any academic session takes serious study.

And, of course all of us will agree that completing high school studies without high school textbooks is close to impossible. But, the truth is that when you buy a lot of books, the cost can soon add up.

This can be bad, more if you are not financially secure.

Luckily, there are sites that provide high school books. Accounting, literature, business, finance, music, and other topics are covered in these high school books.

  • One of the online free books for high schoolers is ‘Principles of Accounting’. This textbook, written by Larry Walther, Professor provides students with core accounting teaching. Another nice aspect of this book is that it is constantly updated.
  • The book ‘Financial Accounting: A business perspective’ is written by Prof Roger H. Hermanson and James Don. Also, they have fully revised this textbook. It relies on how to use finance data to create strategic choices. You can, however, buy this online book or get a cheap ebook download.
  • ‘Principles of Economics’ is a book that allows the readers to grasp the core concepts of
  • ‘C# Programming’ has a lot of material on C# programming. The text also contains links to more course kits.

●      ‘The American Heritage Book of English Usage’ is more of a guide book than a course text. In fact, it gives a clear intro to syntax, form, and speech. It’s great for authors and English pupils.

Free textbooks online pdf Tiktok

Over the years, people have used Tiktok for many reasons. Although it is a social media platform that circles around entertainment mainly, things are changing now. Many users have also begun using tiktok as a means of sharing information. For example, pupils discuss sites where they can get free pdfs of books that they need for their course work or school.

And, people also help each other to come across these useful pieces of information.

People have admitted that they found such useful links to these sites on tiktok. And, indeed they got the PDF versions for free on those sites.

However, if you are confused about what site to use, read our article. Here, we have made a list of various possible sites and references for you to get books for free.

Free textbooks online pdf FAQs

1.   How can I read textbooks online for free PDF?

Ans: You can read books online for free directly. Or, you can also load pdf formats of certain books. In this article, we have mentioned names of some of these sites that you can easily refer to get free books.

In fact, to name a few:

  • Open Textbook Library.
  • Libre Texts.
  • org.
  • com.
  • Project Gutenberg.

2.   Is free PDF books safe?

Ans: Because a PDF is not an executable file, it cannot attack your pc while it is idle on your hard drive. Also, the virus in a PDF must be read and run using PDF reader software. This is why a PDF virus cannot invade most aged e-readers and new e-paper books.

3.   Can ebooks have viruses?

Ans: Unless bought from a reputable vendor, some ebooks may have toxic software. These can infect your computer. So, you need malware, and spyware to defend your pc. Distribute ebooks only if the firm or author lets it.

4.   How do I know if a PDF is safe?

Ans: To get a real answer, you need a third party software. Perform the following steps:

Launch Acrobat Reader, just doubleclick twice on the Adobe file you like to open.

From the “File” menu, select “Document Properties.” In the window that opens on your screen, click the “Security” tab.

Examine the security limits put on your document. And, judge if the file is okay to open on your pc.

5.   How do you know if a PDF is spam?

Ans: Posting the pdf to VirusTotal is one way to see if a PDF file you have contains a virus. Because VirusTotal’s results are not perfect, you should take caution. PDF Examiner can be another option.

6.   Is Library Genesis legal?

Ans: No, Libgen is not illegal. And, using it may lead to criminal penalties. Of course, the cops are unlikely to show up at your home for illegally downloading material. But, publishers, artists, schools, or businesses may take action against you if you are found with illegal content.

7.   Can PDFs have viruses?

Ans: PDFs can have bugs which include code that makes files signable and accessible. The method is very similar to that of malware infected Microsoft Word files. While their malware hides itself within macro codes, an infected PDF file will have nasty JavaScript code.

8.   Can you share online textbooks?

Ans: It is unlawful under Copyright law to share a copy of this eTextbook, even if you are not charged for it. Of course, this has happened in the past, and it is akin to the music file sharing cases.

9.   Can you email someone an ebook?

Ans: Go to Amazon and look for the Ebook edition of the story you want to give as a gift. Then, select “Give as Gift” from the drop-down list. You have the option of e-mailing the e-book gift to the receiver with a later delivery date, or printing a token. And, you can add this token in a card later.

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About the Author: mike